Unscrambling the true identity of Yahooshua {Jesus}
James Robertson
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This message may be one of the most challenging that you will ever read if you are a believer who applies the label "Christian" to yourself, or for that matter if you are one who applies the label "Messianic believer" or similar to yourself.
This article builds on a number of recent articles about the Name of Yah and associated labels applied to Yah such as "the Almighty" generally incorrectly translated "God", the name of a pagan deity, "Yah the eternally self-existing" generally translated "the LORD" which is actually the correct translation of the pagan deity "Baal", "the anointing of the Spirit of Yah" generally incorrectly translated "Christ" and Yahooshua meaning "Yah is salvation" generally incorrectly translated "Jesus" which is another form of Zeus a pagan deity.
This article sets out to unscramble the true identity of the man most know as Jesus Christ, correctly Yahooshua the anointed of Yah or, more specifically, Yahooshua the anointed of Yah son of Mirriam {Mary}, of Natzareth {Nasareth}, born approximately 2007 years ago in Bethlehem of Yahood {Judea}. Note that Yahooshua of Natzareth is NOT the only Yahooshua anointed of Yah, the man you probably know as Joshua from the book of the bible of the same name was also anointed of Yah and his name was also Yahooshua.
In fact, Yahooshua was a reasonably common Hebrew name, including at the time of Yahooshua of Natzareth, his name did NOT attract attention, it was the level of anointing and the works he did through that anointing and the words the Almighty spoke through Him that were noteworthy and the fact that he lived a life without sin. But that is the topic of another article.
Let us consider some facts about Yahooshua which are easily verifiable as a matter of practical consideration if one considers the points that follow prayerfully.
1. Yah the eternally self-existing is one Mighty One you shall have no other mighty ones before Him
In considering what is presented in this article the following verses are critical:
Mark 12:29-30 "29 And Yahooshua answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; Yah the eternally self-existing our Mighty One {the Lord our God} is one Yah the eternally self-existing {Lord}: 30 And thou shalt love Yah the eternally self-existing thy Mighty One with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment." KJV (names adjusted)
Exodus 20:2-3 "2 I am Yah the eternally self-existing thy Mighty One {the Lord thy God}, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3 Thou shalt have no other mighty ones {gods} before me." KJV (names adjusted)
Deuteronomy 6:4-5 "4 Hear, O Israel: Yah the eternally self-existing our Mighty One {The Lord our God} is one Yah the eternally self-existing {Lord}: 5 And thou shalt love Yah the eternally self-existing thy Mighty One {the Lord thy God} with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." KJV (names adjusted)
Deuteronomy 5:6-7 "6 I am Yah the eternally self-existing thy Mighty One {the Lord thy God}, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 7 Thou shalt have none other mighty ones {gods} before me." KJV (names adjusted)
This is very clear.
Yah the eternally self-existing our mighty one is ONE mighty one and ONE Yah the eternally self-existing.
NOT a duality or a plural or a trinity, Yah is ONE Yah.
This is important because Yah Himself declared this from the mountain of Sinai in the Arabian peninsula to an audience of several million people, the only time that I know of that Yah has audibly spoken to millions so it is surely important.
It also forms a core of the basis on which we will be judged at the end of the age, breaking this commandment could cause you to spend part or all of eternity in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone which is the second death (Revelation 21:8).
Yah was at great pains before anything else to stress that He was one and that they were to have no other Mighty One's before Him.
So, our criteria in assessing who Yahooshua is must be whether he is Yah the eternally self-existing, NOT a proxy, NOT a messenger but Yah the eternally self-existing Himself.
If Yahooshua is NOT Yah then we sin grievously if we assign Yahooshua equivalence with Yah or equal rank with Yah or worship Yahooshua.
In fact, IF Yahooshua is NOT YAH then if you worship Yahooshua you could find yourself burning in the lake of fire for eternity.
Yes, there has been grace up to now but that grace is being rapidly withdrawn.
It is therefore vital for each of us that we get clear exactly who Yahooshua is.
The sections that follow seek to systematically address each of the areas of major misunderstanding that result in people equating Jesus with Christ with God with the Lord with Yah and drawing the mistaken conclusion that Jesus is God in the flesh which at one level IS true but at the level that we are discussing it here is fundamentally incorrect.
2. Yahooshua's name is NOT Yah, therefore he is NOT Yah
In addressing this topic the first point I want to make is quite clear, Yahooshua' s name IS Yahooshua NOT Yah, therefore he is NOT Yah.
Yahooshua therefore does not satisfy the most elementary criteria to be regarded as being Yah in the flesh.
3. Yahooshua's name "Yah is salvation" describes an attribute of Yah NOT of Yahooshua and references what Yah sent Yahooshua for – as a vehicle for Yah's salvation
Yahooshua's name describes an attribute of Yah and makes an absolute statement about Yah – "Yah IS salvation" – i.e. Yahooshua is NOT salvation, Yah IS salvation.
Yes, Yahooshua came as a vehicle for Yah's salvation but that does NOT make Yahooshua the salvation of Yah, it makes Yahooshua the vehicle through which Yah chose to offer man a path to salvation.
Yahooshua did NOT do this because of some power of his, he did it through the power of the Spirit of Yah upon him AND through a massive act of obedience through which he lived for thirty three and a half years without sin AND then died the most horrible death and still managed to pray at the end "Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing"
As a consequence of dying without sin death had no hold on Yahooshua and he was resurrected as a simple legal consequence of being free of the guilt that would give death a hold on him.
Because of his obedience and because he was the first born from the dead Yahooshua became king of all human kings and lord of all human lords.
Again, this is NOT because of any mystical or magical or supernatural power of Yahooshua, it is a simple legal consequence of compliance with the terms of an agreement between Yahooshua and Yah which will be discussed in a subsequent article.
4. Yahooshua was NOT the first Hebrew to have that name
It is important to understand that Yahooshua was NOT a unique name.
The Hebrew most know as Joshua in the book of that name who was the assistant to Moses in the wilderness and who then led the people of Israel into the promised land was ALSO called Yahooshua, there was a priest called Yahooshua, undoubtedly there were many others called Yahooshua.
Thus there is NOTHING special about the name of Yahooshua OTHER than that it speaks about the most wonderful attribute of Yah, that Yah IS salvation, that Yah offers salvation.
This is what makes the name Yahooshua the name above all human names.
5. Yahooshua IS a god but NOT the Almighty {God}
Once one understands that the word translated "god" actually means mighty one and that there are men and demonic deities including Satan all of which are "mighty ones" {gods} then it is entirely so that Yahooshua is a god.
Except that as we have seen "god" is a meaningless pagan name that refers to a demonic deity and it is therefore an insult to refer to Yahooshua or anyone else apart from Satan and his cohorts as a god.
Given that the term "mighty one" is also used in the bible to refer to human beings and others in addition to Yah it then becomes apparent that there is confusion in applying this term.
Yahooshua IS a mighty one {god}, but Yahooshua is NOT the Almighty as many think by confusing the application of the word god and in some respects seeming to assume that it is exclusive to Yah.
6. Yahooshua IS a lord and a master but not The LORD = "Yah the eternally self-existing"
It is so that Yahooshua is referred to in the writings by those who followed and esteemed him as a lord and a master.
One of the problems that one faces is that in the Greek the distinction between Yahooeh or Yah the eternally self-existing translated as Lord and other uses of other words translated as lord is completely lost.
So on reading the so-called new testament we find people using lord to refer to Yahooshua and Lord to refer to the Almighty Creator, Yah the eternally self-existing.
This ambiguity causes major confusion which, coupled with the confusion regarding the title "The LORD" causes many to believe that Yahooshua IS THE LORD, that is, Yah.
Once one strips away these ambiguities it becomes apparent that Yahooshua is NOT Yah.
In this context consider also the following passage:
Mattihyahoo {Matthew} [meaning gift of Yah] 23:8-10 "8 But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even the anointing of the Spirit of Yah {Christ}; and all ye are brethren. 9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. 10 Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even {the anointing of the Spirit of Yah} Christ." KJV (names adjusted)
Yahooshua himself corrects those following him and tells them NOT to call him Rabbi or father or master.
The multi-faceted meaning of the meaningless word "Christ" causes major confusion in these passages because most interpret these verses as Yahooshua in some egotistical way telling people to call him Rabbi and Master.
7. Yahooshua IS synonymous with "Jesus" for some sometimes but NOT for everyone always
As we have seen in recent articles the word Jesus is derived from Ieousus which in turn is derived from Zeus a major pagan deity.
Another unverified report says that Jesus means "Aardvark" a form of pig.
We have seen that in His mercy Yah has allowed people to pray in the name of Jesus and receive answers and even in their confusion to pray to Jesus and have their prayers answered.
However, Yah now asserts that the truth is widely available to anyone who has access to a computer and the Internet and that accordingly He is rapidly withdrawing ALL grace that relates to the name Jesus.
Thus while you may have received answers in the name of Jesus before this, it is now increasingly the case that a smaller and smaller number of highly anointed believers with close relationships with Yah and those who do not have reasonable means of accessing the truth are still receiving answers in the name of Jesus but this will change soon.
Thus, there are some who pray to Yah in the name of Jesus who are having their prayers answered by Yah but there are others who pray to God or the LORD in the name of Jesus who are having their prayers answered by demonic principalities called Jesus, God or the LORD. These satanic powers are performing major miracles by the manipulation of demonic forces that are acting on people, they are even able to heal by withdrawing the demons that are causing the illness, they produce counterfeit, false anointing's as well.
The goal of these satanic forces is to ensure that every human being on the planet is worshipping Satan through his various principalities, powers, thrones and dominions in the false names, etc.
If Satan and the forces of darkness can ensure that there are no true believers left at the end of the age there will not be anyone to call for the return of the king and Satan will have won the victory over the earth forever.
8. Yahooshua IS anointed with the Set Apart {Holy} Spirit of Yah {Christ} but so are millions of others
As mentioned above, Yahooshua is anointed with the Spirit of Yah, that is in traditional terminology Yahooshua is "Christ".
However, once we understand that "anointed with the Spirit of Yah" is a technical description that applies to ALL believers who have an infilling of the Spirit of Yah then we realize that there are millions of "christs" on earth today and possibly there have been billions over the last six thousand years.
So Moses was a christ, David was a christ and you are probably a christ.
So anything that infers deity for Yahooshua based on "Christ" is missing the point.
9. Yahooshua IS THE Anointed One {Messiah / Christ} but Christ only refers to Yahooshua occasionally
Following on from this point it is so that there ARE some prophecies that refer to a coming anointed one, traditionally referred to as "the Messiah" based on the Hebrew word for anointed one, but once more it is important to remember that Messiach and Christ both refer to the spiritual state of a specifically identified human being, in this case Yahooshua the son of Mirriam.
Insofar as that anointed one is anointed with the Spirit of Yah there is an element of Yah being at work in that individual.
In fact, in the case of Yahooshua who walked with a mighty anointing in a very real sense Yah WAS walking the earth through Yahooshua but it was Yah THROUGH Yahooshua NOT Yah being Yahooshua, who walked the earth.
Thus we can use the term Christ to refer to Yahooshua and also to the anointed one's generally or to other specific anointed one's.
This is a huge source of error, people read verses that relate to the Spirit of Yah and convert them to referencing Yahooshua the man.
For example consider the following verses:
Phillipians 4:13 "I can do all things through the anointing of the Set Apart Spirit of YAH {Christ} which strengtheneth me." KJV (term adjusted)
Phillipians 4:19 "But my Mighty One {God} shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by the anointing of the Spirit of YAH that was upon Yahooshua {Christ Jesus}." KJV (adjusted)
Notice how radically the meaning of these verses changes when we substitute "anointing of the Spirit of Yah" for "Christ" verses believing that "Christ" equates with "Jesus".
This is one of the most significant errors that results in people misunderstanding what would otherwise be plain text.
10. Christ is always YAH but only sometimes Yahooshua the anointed of Yah the son of Mirriam of Natzareth, born in Bethlehem of Yahood approximately 2007 years ago
From the above notice that "Christ" in the sense that we are accustomed to using it ALWAYS refers to YAH and NOT to Yahooshua.
Yes, it is occasionally so that "Christ" equates to Yahooshua but NOT ALWAYS.
While "Christ" = "the anointing of the Spirit of Yah upon a human being" ALWAYS refers to YAH.
The extension of this logic is perhaps the most essential reason why people believe that Jesus IS God – they use "Christ" interchangeably with "Jesus" and from that they take references such as those above which refer to Yah and they appropriate them incorrectly for Yahooshua.
So "the body of Christ" is the body of those filled with the Spirit of Yah, this body INCLUDES Yahooshua who is the head, the leader, the king, of that body, that assemblage or conglomeration of people who are together filled with the SAME SPIRIT, the Spirit of YAH, NOT the spirit of Jesus.
This principle applies to a wide diversity of widely held doctrines in this regard.
11. Yah is ONE, alone, altogether, singular NOT two or trinity or other plural
One of the other causes of confusion is the passage where Yahooshua says that he and the Father are one:
Yahoochanan {John} [meaning Yah has graced] 10:30 "I and my Father are one." KJV
It is widely held that this verse, taken together with the statement that Yah is one means that Yahooshua IS one and the same with Yah.
In considering this consider the word translated "one" in the passages in Exodus and Deuteronomy that report what was spoken by Yah from Mount Sinai.
The Hebrew dictionary definition of this word which is Strong's number 259 is:
dj*a# ‎'echad (ekh-awd'); a numeral from OT:258; properly, united, i.e. one; or (as an ordinal) first:
KJV - a, alike, alone, altogether, and, any (-thing), apiece, a certain, [daily-], each (one), + eleven, every, few, first, + highway, a man, once, one, only, other, some, together,
(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary.Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)
It is clear from this that when Yah says He is one He is making a statement that He is NOT more than one.
Since Yah is Yah and Yahooshua is Yahooshua it is apparent that Yahooshua and Yah are NOT one in the sense widely applied.
12. Yahooshua is ONE with Yah but so are you if you are a true believer, this does NOT make either of you Yah
As an extension of the previous point consider:
Yahoochanan {John} [meaning Yah has graced] 10:30 "I and my Father are one." KJV
Yahoochanan 17:22 "And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:" KJV
Romans 12:5 "So we, being many, are one body in the anointing of the Spirit of Yah {Christ}, and every one members one of another." KJV (adjusted)
Ephesians 5:31-32 "31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning the anointing of the Spirit of Yah {Christ} and the body of believers {church}." KJV (adjusted)
1 Corinthians 6:15-17 "15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of the anointing of Yah {Christ}? shall I then take the members of the anointed body of Yah {Christ}, and make them the members of an harlot? The Almighty {God} forbid. 16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh. 17 But he that is joined unto Yah the eternally self-existing {the Lord} is one spirit." KJV (adjusted)
Please notice the string of associations with the concept of being one:
Yahooshua is one with Father Yah by Yah's Spirit in Yahooshua.
We are one with Father Yah (and by extension Yahooshua) through the Spirit of Yah {Christ} in us.
A man and woman are one through the spirit of the man in the woman through the man cleaving (cutting = sexual intercourse) into the woman.
One who cuts into (has sexual intercourse with) a harlot becomes one with her.
This is clearly NOT the same ONE as in Exodus 20:2-3 and Deuteronomy 5:6-7.
Thus it is so that as we become filled with the Spirit of Yah we all become one in Yah {Christ}, in the same way when men and women become one they become one spiritually.
Since it is clear to me and, I hope to you, that I am NOT Yah then by extension it is so that Yahoochanan 10:30 does NOT indicate that Yahooshua IS Yah.
I am one with Yahooshua as I am one with all who are at some measure anointed with the Spirit of Yah because I have the Spirit of Yah indwelling me, the same applies to all who read this who are at some level anointed because they have believed and prayed appropriately.
13. But I have been to heaven and Yahooshua IS one with Yah – the problem of paradigms
Recently I was confronted with the statement "I have been to heaven and seen that Yahooshua is one with Yah", I have also heard an account of one who was raised from the dead but who had been to heaven and who had seen Yahooshua "in" Yah.
I am quite certain this is the case.
I have had a vision of a man and woman who had such a strong one flesh bond that the woman appeared to be IN the man, her spirit and his spirit were so tightly coupled that in the spirit realm they appeared to be one with the woman IN the man.
It is therefore entirely probable that Yahooshua, being as close to Yah as he is will indeed be seen in the spirit realm as being part of Yah.
This does NOT make Yahooshua equal to Yah nor does it make Yahooshua a proxy or surrogate of Yah that IS Yah. Yes, Yahooshua CAN be seen as an emissary but that is different.
However, IF your paradigm, your mental programming, equates that oneness with Yahooshua being Yah then you will draw the conclusion that what you have seen in heaven supports your understanding that Yahooshua IS Yah.
However, if you have the understanding presented in this article then you will NOT see Yahooshua as being Yah, you will see Yahooshua as in Yah but not being Yah.
14. Yahooshua as emissary {apostle} is also ONE
In the sense that Yahooshua is an emissary {apostle} or sent one of Yah he also has great delegated authority and in his interactions with the rest of creation he represents Yah and speaks with Yah's authority and as Yah's agent.
This can also create the impression that Yahooshua IS Yah when in actual fact he is speaking with delegated authority as king of all human kings and lord of all human lords.
15. Yah speaks through His prophets in the first person
Finally, Yah spoke through Yahooshua in the first person repeatedly but this too was NOT something new.
Yah is reported speaking in the first person through His prophets throughout the so-called "Old Testament", for example consider the following passage:
Yashayaahoo {Isaiah} (meaning Yah has saved) 64:11-65:2 "11 Our holy and our beautiful house, where our fathers praised thee, is burned up with fire: and all our pleasant things are laid waste. 12 Wilt thou refrain thyself for these things, O Yah the eternally self-existing {Lord}? wilt thou hold thy peace, and afflict us very sore?
65 1 I am sought of them that asked not for me; I am found of them that sought me not: I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name. 2 I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people, which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts;" KJV adjusted
Notice that in verses 11 and 12 of chapter 64 the prophet is speaking in the first person and in chapter 65 verses 1 and 2 we find Yah speaking in the first person THROUGH THE PROPHET.
Thus just because a prophet says something that is from Yah because Yah is speaking through that prophet does NOT make that prophet Yah, it is simply that Yah has chosen to speak through that prophet and expects those listening to discern when Yah is speaking.
I have received many prophecies and have given much prophetic word myself and just because Yah is speaking in the first person there has never in my experience been uncertainty when Yah was speaking.
It should be the same with Yahooshua, once all the other sources of confusion are removed and we accept that Yahooshua is a human being and no more than a human being and we no longer think that he will speak as Yah then it becomes straightforward to discern where Yah is speaking through Yahooshua and where Yahooshua is speaking himself.
Bearing in mind that Yahooshua was HIGHLY ANOINTED with the Spirit of Yah we should expect Yah to speak through Yahooshua directly and indirectly just as we expect Yah to speak through Moses and other anointed prophets before and after Yahooshua right through to the current age.
It is my prayer that as you prayerfully consider what is presented above you will come to a robust realization that Yahooshua is NOT Yah, that Yahooshua is only a human being, yes an extremely powerful human being, because of his resurrection as a consequence of his sinless life NOT because he is Yah in disguise.
In closing I would like to quote what Yah said to me a few weeks ago at a church meeting where the people were praising and worshipping Yahooshua "Son of man, have you heard this abomination, they take my worship and they give it to my son whom I created".
If you love Yah, cease worshiping Yahooshua and draw a clear distinction between Yah as Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and Creator of Yahooshua and Yahooshua as created being and king of human kings and lord of human lords.
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